Sunday, August 29, 2010


Real power can never vest in the artificial because it has no substance.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


To concern ourselves with "HOW?" is to entertain self-sabotage. Open to ALL possibility by letting-go. Focus on the NOW by putting your energy into the next important small step.

The journey of significant small steps is the path to being MORE!


The thrill of living with a meaningful life purpose rapidly supercedes the daunting struggle to manifest its reality!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Being fully conscious highlights how much valuable energy we expend resisting the inevitable.
Discerning flow and working with it, limits stress and always yields positive results.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


The issues that torment our minds the most are invariably Life's greatest invitations for personal growth.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010


Don't just float... flow!
Flow adds the dimension of having a direction.
Know where you want to go. Life doesn't second guess for you.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


In order to be effective, we frequently need to refocus.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010


We are living in extremely challenging times where we can either break down or breakthrough.

Choose to be MORE!

Read MORE at:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


To have a dream is your absolute birthright!
A dream for your life is an unconditional gift to yourself.
This dream is just a stream of positive energy that is the central core of any manifestation process.

Monday, August 2, 2010


(This article appears at: It relates to my reflections having recently undergone the electro-magnetic HIVEX treatment for HIV)

The last welve days have been a time of considerable personal healing for everyone on our special HIVEX mission. We have all changed and it is immediately apparent.

I work with people both individually and in groups (teaching life skills and particularly the art of how to be MORE!). In doing what I do, I try to carefully observe faces, because that is where I see the important visible signs that reflect the inner landscape... those who are stuck in unspoken pain, unforgiveness or are trapped in seeming comfort zones that do not serve. Years of stress caused by living in fear and carrying limiting self-beliefs invariably leave the tell-tale signs... sunken lifeless eyes and a lack of personal "light". Other faces glow with the evidence of meaningful human transformation.

I have purposely lived openly with HIV and have refused to carry the burden of shame or the fear of stigma. There is nothing to be shamed about HIV! It is the illness created mostly by a lack of self-love that has gripped this planet. My healing during HIVEX has undoubtedly been physical, but it has also been an important time to heal other wounds.

My life has been dogged by other stresses, particularly those related to economic survival. Some consider the successful part of my life as being a very young investment manager of a multi-billion rand pension fund, or when I pioneered multi-manager investment in South Africa. Those were only symbols of material success! Deep reflection has made me see my success as being able to stand, again and again, in the face of considerable adversity. Life blessed me with many opportunities to transcend the limitations of being closed and narrow, through great personal sadness and extreme mental and physical challenge. Success should never be measured in material terms, but is surely a reflection of our ability to continue to be MORE, despite the odds.

Doing the HIVEX treatment gave us all ample time to share, to see life through new eyes and to process the past. Real healing can never take place only on one plane. It needs to be multi-dimensional: both physical, mental and emotional.

For a considerable while I have experienced a repeated frustration of feeling that my life was not happening fast enough. Coming out of a long deep valley has stretched on for what seemed like an eternity. But then I know that life happens perfectly and in due time. Fruit never ripens before it has been exposed to the elements to gain the necessary input to bring it into the fullness that allows for ripening.

The time undergoing HIVEX has felt like an important milestone. I sense a shift in energy that comes with real healing. In a strange way, I feel that my best laid plans were kept on hold until this important next step had been accomplished. As much as we rail against life, it knows best! Sometimes we just need to accept the process, no matter how drawn out, because it is always a preparation for the future.

My life has been inextricably linked to healing. I see my teaching as part of a healing process. In an uncanny way, HIVEX has appeared not only as an instrument of my own healing, but possibly as a vehicle to bring healing to so many afflicted by HIV/Aids. Once again, this healing needs to not only be a physical recovery, but an encouragement to use the restoration of health as a gift to get out and make a difference in the lives of others, to lead a more meaningful life, to avoid the habits that may have lead to HIV in the first place and to discover the absolutes of being MORE!