Wednesday, April 1, 2009


When we live "on purpose", we discover the reason for our existence!
Everything we do aligns with that purpose and we discover a real joy for life.


  1. So true. Not an April Fools joke! The real question for most people is realising or discovering their purpose. Everyone is so busy living the life they have 'chosen' or been dumped into that to stop to go inward to connect with this 'purpose' seems almost unachievable. But then this is what the 'mid-life crisis' is all about! Having gained the experience of living, mid-life is the time of reviewing the achievements and having the courage to look for the future, that is the real purpose of this life-time and to take it on courageously.

  2. Clive you know I am working hard to create my dream into my every day life... the sacrifice associated as you know is huge... do I need to writer down my goals for the next 6-12 months and then visulaise the goals coming to fruition in my life? how do i generate my own personal aweness of the present moment?

  3. Hi David
    Well done for having the courage to be MORE!
    Yes you need to write down your goals. Not too many either to avoid confusion and scatter.
    Then "feel" your dreams! get the feeling you would have if they were a reality and hold that feeling as often as you can!
    Daily journaling and meditation will guide you as to the appropriateness of your dreams.

    Reach for those dreams, they are just a grasp away...
