Monday, June 29, 2009


It is often only after we have confronted our mortality that we really choose to live! As we are unwillingly taken to places where we come to the very edge of our physical lives, so we are shocked out of our unconscious existence and begin to live more fully. Such cataclysmic events help us to understand the fragility of life and we start to bless what we already have, rather than remaining trapped in a constant loop of longing for what we most desire. If we are not brought face to face with our own death, we always know of others who have to fight for their survival or we unexpectedly lose loved ones and then ache in the very vacuum of their sudden absence.

The fear of death keeps many obsessed about life after death, whereas our real challenge lies in living every moment purposefully and taking nothing for granted. Our real focus should be on living a complete life before death, to discover the perfection of life in every moment as life gradually reveals its awesome mysteries.

Our busy lives, burdened by repetitive routines, often numb us to the reality of existence. We unwittingly become automatons on a daily treadmill designed to satisfy what we believe the world expects from us, rather than consciously living out our purpose and making life our dream as opposed to dwelling in "dreamland".

It is time to wake up before life rudely shocks us into awareness. Life is NOW, in this very moment. Make it significant by turning the mundane into the magnificent and by revealing your light as your enthusiasm positively energises everything you encounter.


  1. Very well said ...... thank you for your words.

  2. Loved the post and it is so true. Many people are the living dead and there really is no excuse for it. There is a need to seize the day no matter what happens. Carpe Deom I thnk is what it is in Latin.
