Friday, December 31, 2010


It is my intention to change millions of lives in the most positive ways in 2011.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Crushing disappointment often leaves us paralysed and incapable of anything but dwelling in a sea of destructive negativity! Our disappointments are nothing more than an indication of an unaccomplished attachment to a desired outcome. Our hope resides in the attainment of that result and when it is not fulfilled, our spirit gets broken by the ensuing disappointment.

Consciousness, or awareness, is important in that we become highly sensitised as to what is happening. More importantly, our awareness makes us listen to our inner voice and to respond appropriately. Every feeling carries the opportunity to discern how best to respond to Life's promptings. Life guides us perfectly, if only we would allow ourselves to be still enough to receive that intuitive guidance.

When disappointment comes, our most positive response would be to seek "the open door" rather than trying to proceed where Life has blocked us. In the vacuum of meditation, we are often shown what is most appropriate. We need to "still" our own wilfulness in order to discern the next best step. Subjugating the ego for something more powerful than ourselves is not passive inaction, but rather the most intelligent way forward.

Disappointment signals the existence of a more appropriate passage. Only in the fullness of time, as we reflect on the past, can we become aware of the perfection of life. As we start to expect the best in every outcome, so we soon discover how small and limited our own thinking is. Limitation is breached by actively allowing ourselves to be shown the next best small step forward.

Disappointment often comes because we are expecting too much too soon. Living a journey of significant small steps is far more effective than trying to take gigantic progressive leaps, which when found to be an impossibility, leads to withdrawal and self-sabotage.

Celebrating our life's smallest victories creates the energy that brings even more success. Such behaviour causes us to focus on the positive rather than dwelling aimlessly on what we think is wrong. As we elevate our thoughts by thinking of the small seemingly insignificant successes and being in heartfelt gratitude for these events, so we automatically create the energetic environment to attract more success.

When things don't go our way, we need to stop and reflect that some better option might exist. Rather than resorting to pointless blame or a sense of defeat, we need to look at the good things that are always happening and to give them the full attention of our being. Good luck is the preserve of those who refuse to be dogged by a sense of failure or mishap. Good fortune comes to those who are grateful for what they already have, rather than moaning about what they sense they still lack.

May our awareness of personal disappointment become an early trigger to allow ourselves to open to something more special. Being available to the considerable bounty of Life takes us beyond our limited beings into the richness of the adventure which is life. Using disappointment wisely, leads us to be MORE!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Enthusiasm is the energy that makes things happen!

("Entheos - Greek - "to be filled with God")

Monday, December 13, 2010


Simplicity brings clarity. Only once we have distilled a clarity, can we be effective.

Friday, December 10, 2010


HIV/Aids is a radical personal watershed!

All adversity is the vehicle by which life forces us to change. Unless we perpetually change, we stagnate and never grow. We generally feel victimised by our difficulties, whereas these are life's sacred opportunities to transcend ourselves to become so much MORE! (Visit: Click "Indigo-Links" and then click "MORE or LESS") Choosing to be a victim of anything is to give our power away and to acquiesce.

When adversity strikes we most frequently feel powerless. We sometimes feel as though we have been punished or that our luck has run out. The typical reaction of those recently diagnosed with HIV is to go into deep denial. We hope that by ignoring the infection that it will go away. Problems don't disappear! Problems fester and gather a dangerous momentum unless confronted and addressed. Many of our stresses are self-induced, because we refuse to deal with those areas of our lives that are demanding our absolute attention.

To feel powerless is to be powerless! This is the arena where we give our power away and allow ourselves to be blown haphazardly by Life's prevailing winds, rather than using this energy to propel ourselves in accordance with our dreams. HIV often strips us of our power because we incorrectly feel that we have been given a death sentence. HIV is not about dying, but rather about living more appropriately. HIV is a messenger of considerable change. Whether those changes wrought by HIV are positive or negative, depends solely on us.

Most of us live with a deep concern as to the opinions of others. We actively seek the approval of our peers and as a result become clones of our society, rather than remaining with a deep respect for the special creation that we are. HIV entrenches our need to conform and to be socially acceptable; we feel desperately uncomfortable with the issues of shame and stigma caused by HIV. This is when we tend to hide and in the process, to give away our power.

Healing comes when we directly confront the issues and stand in our power. We are unable to be healed when we feel worthless and are focused only on all the negatives. We need to live consciously and to respond to life in the most meaningful way. HIV is a valuable wake-up call to considerable change and to introduce life changes that embody the important art of self-love and good personal governance. Opening our awareness demands that we actively manage our power and constructively plug all debilitating leaks.

We need to accept whatever has transpired and to take full responsibility for turning lemons into lemonade. HIV and other serious health challenges are a valuable avenue to become MORE by learning from the affliction and choosing to use it in the most effective way. We passively buy into the concept that HIV has to be bad or a life sentence. It is not! HIV is a chance to learn how to effectively manage our power and to become significantly MORE than we were prior to infection. The same applies to every other substantial life challenge.

It is hard to comprehend how much power we give to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, especially when it can only be seen with an electron microscope. Africa has been numbed by the impact of HIV/Aids. We allow it to wreak havoc personally and to destroy relationships. HIV then becomes the vehicle for social meltdown.

The time has come for us to individually take back our power and to deal with issues like HIV in the most constructive manner possible. Each of us has the power to elicit miracles. As we think so shall we become. HIV most frequently attacks those who feel disempowered by their circumstance. The obvious response is surely to behave powerfully by holding the most empowering thoughts most of the time.

Passive acquiescence is a sure way to encourage personal suffering. Suffering is always only an option and a very poor choice at that. Each an every one of us has the power to change the most demanding of circumstances by changing our attitude. We are the architects of our existence and need to respond to all of life in the most constructive way.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Sow the seeds of your dream, daily, with unbridled enthusiasm.
Nurture that dream with an unquestioned belief that you deserve.
Keep listening to the song of your soul for guidance.
Never allow inevitable challenge to blunt the vision of your dream.
And watch with grateful awe as the Great Mystery delivers the harvest more perfectly than you could ever contemplate.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Frustration is a block! It becomes a powerful self-induced obstacle.

To be frustrated is a signal to stop, to let go of all attachments to a specific outcome and to look for the "open door".

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Small amounts of light always break the darkness.