Thursday, December 29, 2011


In early December 2010, I was asked to address a group of about 50 students who were graduating from Film School. Two months earlier, I had started the first HIVEX treatment centre in Durban in South Africa. HIVEX uses targeted electromagnetic frequencies to damage the proteins in HIV, making viral replication stop as well as preventing the virus from being able to heal itself, thus ensuring that this treatment is once-off and therefore permanent.

The group of film students was lively and engaging and an opportunity to inform them of the important work we were doing. It was also a chance to encourage them to protect themselves from potential HIV infection and if already infected, to do something positive to alter the course of their lives.

The day after this address, a young girl who had been sitting directly in front of me came to the treatment centre. She asked if I knew who she was and I immediately recognised her from that meeting. Looking at her in the audience, I got a strong intuitive feeling that she was HIV+ and her sudden appearance at the treatment centre was no surprise.

This young woman said she needed treatment but being a student, could not afford to be treated. We treated her at no charge as life is more valuable than the small donation we usually ask patients to make. It was a joy to see her visibly change in the most positive way over the twelve days of treatment. To witness significant healing is a priceless experience!

Yesterday, as I left a small restaurant having met a friend for a small year end celebration, I was stopped by a young woman with a bright smiling face. "Do you remember me?" she asked.

Through my several meetings related to HIVEX every week, I tend to meet hundreds of people making it difficult to remember every person whose path I cross. Some hear me speak to large audiences and I never get the chance to personally engage every member of the audience. HIV is an emotionally charged topic and some prefer to avoid direct contact for fear that others might deem them to be HIV+.

The young lady seated near the entrance of the restaurant told me she had been in the group of film students whom I had addressed just over a year ago. She asked about progress and I reported that we had treated approximately 1200 HIV+ people. I mentioned that we were seeing an increasing number of patients as word was spreading as to the efficacy of this HIVEX treatment. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising as it carries an endorsement which is strongly loaded. Satisfied clients are the building blocks for future triumph.

This young woman then told me she had sent her HIV+ mother for treatment after having heard me talk to her fellow alumni. It is always fascinating to see the sphere of influence that generates from our actions. A positive intention that is brought into reality by our focused actions is likely to yield significant results, often long after the work is done.

I asked how her mother was doing since having undergone a HIVEX treatment. Her face took on an added glow as she proudly announced: "She is now 100%!" That has to be one of the more meaningful recent moments in my life. It was like an unexpected action replay of something that was already tucked deeply into the reservoir of memory.

Nothing is more valuable than the awareness of having been a positive influence in someone's life. It brings a dimension of meaning to one's own existence that is priceless. This unspeakable joy can never be intentionally harvested. It comes from doing something substantial for others without ever seeking recognition or reward.

I do not engage in the exchange of gifts at Christmas. I find the commercialism of this special time to be repugnant and would rather use this time to connect significantly with those people who have real meaning in my life.

Meeting the young lady as I was about to leave the restaurant is probably the highlight of my Christmas. This was a gift of considerable proportion and coming just before the turn of another year, made me realise that all the hard work in 2011 was to be the building block for even better times ahead.

My prayer going forward is for an acceleration of what has now been seeded. I have witnessed scores of lives that have benefited and changed in sublimely positive ways through the HIVEX process. It feels like a revolution has begun that is likely to change the face of a suffering humanity.

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