Wednesday, August 19, 2009


We often engage numbness through substance abuse or by consciously shutting down to all feeling. Numbness cocoons us from the pain of former abuse, oppression or extreme loss. It is merely a holding space and does not allow for healing or growth.

Dig courageously into that darkness, dwell in your deepest hurt, for there you will discover the path to your most profound light!


  1. As you say in your last paragraph: it is a place to experieince well. You are there for a reason, so really experieince it and you may not have to visit it again. Pretend you are not really there and you will struggle to free yourself of that place.

  2. Its true , from my deepest pain , I transcended , lost and found myself ... Healed from within and became a refined being ... more to learn , more to cleanse , cleanse , cleanse but life is beautiful . Beauty is all I see everywhere . My eyes beholds beauty ... its true beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ...I see it everywhere and in everyone!!
    Am digging deeper into the depth of life ; courage and love are assisting me all the way . Thank you god , universe and everything that exists and doesnt > I am living my life to the fullest and with depth . Love to all :)
