Saturday, September 19, 2009


Never put God in a box because He is more proficient than Houdini and will surely find an escape quicker than you can contain Him. Secondly, God is bigger than human consciousness, both individually and collectively, so no box is big enough to contain "All That Is".

Every belief is a box! Belief is about mental structure and has defined boundaries. From early childhood we start to take on the beliefs of those closest to us, because this is the only reference point we have. As we grow, so our point of reference starts to expand too, but sometimes we stay trapped in the comfort zone of the beliefs of our forebears because we never open our consciousness or awareness enough to see what else exists. Often by using fear as a weapon, others control our thinking and keep our beliefs tightly bound in boxes where they would have us exist. As such, we become the "great unthinking', like a herd of drifting sheep who move to where we are bidden. Education is surely only as good as it allows our minds to grow, to expand beyond the box, to discover the genius which exists in everyone.

When things go wrong, we automatically ascribe the event to "darkness" beyond the influence of God's light. We try to box God into the comfortable niceties of life and exclude Him from the pain. But how else would God give us the possibility to discover ourselves, other than through trial and tribulation? Our adversities bear the kernel for the greatest expansion of our understanding. Is this not the miracle of evolution? The extreme heat of Life's crucible burns away all unnecessary dross and it is here that were discover absolute human alchemy.

When will we start to bless all aspects of our life's journeys and see all of them as God-given, not just the sunny mountain tops but the deep, dark valleys too where the fertile soil exists? God dwells in the light as well as in every dark, heavy cloud.

By placing my God in a box, I see Him as right and your God as wrong. The great religious divide separates humanity and has been the source of considerable blood-letting for generations. The sick fanatacism of man-made dogma drives people to the point of atrocity which is not the essence of God. To be godly is surely to see and ackowledge the face of God in everyone. Bigotry and judgement create further boxes which encourage a deep separation from God Himself.

Miracles can't happen in boxes! Miracles can only happen when we drop our egos and pre-conceptions to allow for something beyond human understanding. The God of Miracles is ever present ant totally unconditional, stepping right into the vacuum we create when we open ourselves to an experience of MORE. As we open our consciousness so we begin to develop a real relationship to God, which exists in every moment rather than in the spiritually obvious. When we give God the space to be God, we begin to understand the considerable meaning of the Infinite!

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