Friday, November 19, 2010


Right in the middle of seeming impossibility lies choice and potential! Our minds which can become temporarily crippled by fear, shut down to possibility and we resolve to become victims of circumstance, rather than co-creators of the infinite, which is our birthright.

Human nature avoids challenge because it takes us away from the comfortable and the familiar and forces us to expand against our own wishes. We associate challenge with misfortune rather than blessing it as sacred opportunity to become MORE! We dig deep ruts by travelling the same worn paths ad nauseam, lulled into complacency by the ease of the groove. Then comes the tempest of change, most often in the guise of loss, to transport us away from our comfort into a space where we are forced to grow.

Meaningful growth is rarely sought, but is most frequently foist upon us. It comes unexpectedly, although the signals for change are always present. This transformative process is clever preparation for the significant unknown. Only with the maturity of hindsight, can we finally accept the benefit of earlier challenge and begin to understand the gift of adversity.

To be stuck in our pain is a refusal to grow. It becomes a debilitating loop of despair where we hope to be rescued rather than taking responsibility for our own progression. To grow we need to surrender, but that acquiescence is not a passive giving up, but rather the letting go to become something MORE.

In the discomfort of change we need to discern flow, that space where things happen mysteriously, rather than choosing to be sidelined by a fear-induced inaction. It is that flow which carries us to where we are meant to be. It requires an unquestioning faith in the process of life, an innate belief that all that is happening is right.

To be MORE, we need to allow ourselves to venture beyond existing personal frontiers into unchartered territory. That is never easy but it is the fulfilment of the purpose of life, which is about growth. When challenge strikes, it needs to be the signal that we are evolving (maybe against our wishes). Change might be difficult, but it always comes to address aspects of ourselves that need attention. We might not be aware of those blindspots, but Life never misses a trick.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful indigo man - this is so profound.
    it exposes those processes and mindsets that are so important to get a handle on for living out our destiny instead of trudging along in a rut

